Saturday, November 8, 2014

WARNING--ATM's in Argentina

We'd heard that cash machines in Argentina are sometimes (maybe often) hacked so that crooks can steal your debit card information.  We just had that experience in spades.

On our recent trip to South America, we had no problem with ATM's in either Brazil or Chile.  But, several members of our group used an ATM at Iguazu Falls, on the Argentine side, at the visitors' center at the Argentine national park.  These transactions were hacked and the debit card information stolen.  The hackers used that debit card information to withdraw money in the Philippines, so you can get an idea of how far afield this criminal activity occurs.

One bank caught the fraud immediately, before more than a few hundred dollars had been illegally withdrawn from the holder's checking account (the bank is liable).  But, another person only found out about the theft when he tried to withdraw money at an ATM and was denied.  When he called his bank, they told him that he had already withdrawn $28,000 and was far over his limit.  I'm sure the bank was aghast when he told them he had withdrawn nothing.  Their fraud alert system obviously failed.

So, do be careful about using ATM's in Argentina.  You can use US dollars almost everywhere and will generally get the black market rate of exchange in stores and restaurants.  You can also use your credit cards, but do make sure that the transaction occurs right in front of you.  Don't let someone take your card away to record the transaction.  Most stores and restaurants have mobile devices and can make the charge in your presence.

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